Goldilox Tomato Seeds


Beautiful Gold & Tangerine coloured Cherry Tomatoes that are delicious to pick and eat fresh off the vine. Perfect for container growing. Dwarf plants typically have better resistance to fungus and other plant disease. 78 Days to Harvest! 20 seeds per package

Availability: In stock

The Goldilox Tomato is a dwarf cherry tomato variety known for its unique apricot-gold coloured fruits. The plants are small and compact, making them ideal for container growing. This variety is particularly notable for its resistance to fungus and other plant diseases, which is a common attribute of dwarf plants. It typically reaches maturity and is ready for harvest in about 78 days. These tomatoes are delightful when picked and eaten fresh off the vine, and their beautiful colour and size make them an attractive addition to salads and other dishes.

These seeds are available directly from Garden Faerie Botanicals in the heart of British Columbia, Canada. The collection features heirloom and heritage seeds that are personally cultivated organically without the use of any chemicals. Emphasizing historical, rare, non-GMO seeds, this selection preserves biodiversity through open-pollination.


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Goldilox TomatoGoldilox Tomato Seeds

Availability: In stock

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