Puck Tomato Seeds


This rare heirloom tomato was developed in England by the John Innes Institute during the 1940’s. Puck is a dwarf variety that thrives in container gardens. The red fruit average 1 oz in size and have good taste. Suitable for short season and coastal climates. Determinate, rugose foliage. 55 dtm. 20 seeds per package.

Availability: 5 in stock

Dwarf variety that does well in containers. Small red fruit are perfect for salads and are ready in 55 days. Good taste for a tomato that can be grown in short season areas. A must for those who just can not wait until the first red fruits of the season appear!

The Puck tomato was introduced in the U.S. as a novelty variety by Glecklers Seedsmen of Metamora, Ohio. Despite its small size, the Puck tomato plant is relatively productive. The fruits are red, globe to somewhat blocky, flattened-globe shaped, and deliver a good, mild, classic red-type flavor that’s balanced and slightly tart, with no aftertaste. The description from Gleckler’s 1958 catalog mentions that it is an “extremely dwarf English variety” with “low growing, stubby plants with ridged, wide dark green leaves” and “small globular fruit” that are “grouped mainly up the main stem almost completely hidden”.

These heritage seeds are available directly from Garden Faerie Botanicals in the heart of British Columbia, Canada. The collection features heirloom and heritage seeds that are personally cultivated organically without the use of any chemicals. Emphasizing historical, rare, non-GMO seeds, this selection preserves biodiversity through open-pollination.


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Puck Tomatoes, Rare Heirlooms from Garden Faerie Botanicals Seed Company. Early and ready in 55 days.Puck Tomato Seeds

Availability: 5 in stock

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