Corlis Bolton Haynes Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers


Heirloom tubers grown by the Haynes family in Ontario for a century.  They are the size of small to medium potatoes and are smooth. A sweet, nutty flavour that is amazing both roasted, raw, and even pickled. Rare Canadian Heirloom. $15.00 per pound.

I can only ship to Canada at this time.

Helianthus tuberosus. Corlis Bolton Haynes Jerusalem Artichoke tubers are amazing and come from John Haynes in Ontario. He stated that they usually don’t break the soil until mid. May, but can grow 1/3 inch a day in hot weather. By August, they average 6 1/2 ft. tall and some that are sheltered reach 8 ft. They are covered with 1-2 inch diameter sunflower-like yellow blooms from August to September. Can be used as a windbreak or temporary screen. This productive variety was growing wild when his Aunt Corlis Bolton Haynes’ parents bought a farm in 1925. Corlis (1924-2003), improved them for over 60+ years by harvesting them all and replanting only the biggest and smoothest tubers. Mr. Haynes grew them for 29 years and tried to continue in her tradition of choosing the largest and smoothest tubers to replant. Most of the tubers are the size and shape of small to medium sized potatoes.

You can view Corlis Botlon Hanynes Jerusalem Artichokes being dug out of the garden and have an up-close view of what they look like at Garden Faerie Botanicals Rumble Channel!

I made a video about Jerusalem artichokes, covering their history, some recipes, and other information. Click the link to watch it!

For an amazingly delicious and simple way to enjoy these tubers try making some Jerusalem artichoke and butternut fries by Chef Zissie.

I found some of these tubers in a bin that I forgot about and they were still alive! I made a short called: It is very hard to kill Jerusalem Artichokes.

These tubers are available directly from Garden Faerie Botanicals, located in the heart of British Columbia. Featuring Canada’s largest selection of Jerusalem Artichokes (Sunchokes), these offerings are ideal for enhancing food security. The collection includes heirloom and heritage seeds, personally cultivated organically without chemicals. Emphasizing historical, rare, and non-GMO seeds, this selection is dedicated to preserving biodiversity.

Weight.5 kg

Single Tuber, 1/4 pound, 1/2 Pound, 1 pound, Seconds


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Rare Heirloom Corlis Boyton Jerusalem Artichokes in a box.Corlis Bolton Haynes Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers
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