Siberian Lights Watermelon Seeds


aka Sibirskye Ogny. Bred for colder climates, specifically designed to thrive in regions with short summers like Siberia. It was developed in the 1980s by Soviet breeders as a response to the challenge of growing watermelons in areas where traditional varieties could not mature due to cold temperatures and short growing seasons. This variety is notable for its early ripening—about 70 days from planting to harvest—and its resistance to diseases like fusarium. It can even be grown in greenhouses or in open ground with proper care. The fruit have paler green stripes and good sweet flavour. Do not hold well- when they are ripe, they are ripe! May be earlier than Blacktail Mountain. Prolific. 10 seeds per package.

Availability: In stock

Citrullus lanatus The “Siberian Lights” watermelon is a unique variety that was developed to thrive in regions with short growing seasons and cold climates, such as Siberia. This watermelon variety is well-suited for areas with cooler summers and can be grown successfully in places like the Moscow region and the Urals. It has a relatively quick growing cycle, maturing in about 70 days, making it an ideal choice for gardeners in northern regions with limited warm days​.
The fruit of the Siberian Lights watermelon is small to medium-sized, typically weighing between 1 to 2.5 kilograms. It features a dark green rind with faint stripes and has a sweet, rich flavour. The flesh is a bright red and very sweet.
This variety is known for its cold resistance, which is a result of breeding designed to adapt melons to harsh, short summers. Gardeners in Siberian climates have found success growing it in greenhouses to further enhance yields, though it can also be cultivated outdoors with proper care​.

These watermelon seeds are available directly from Garden Faerie Botanicals in the heart of British Columbia, Canada. The collection features heirloom and heritage seeds that are personally cultivated organically without the use of any chemicals. Emphasizing historical, rare, non-GMO seeds, this selection preserves biodiversity through open-pollination.


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Siberian Lights Watermelons are organically grown by Garden Faerie Botanicals. Heritage Seeds, CanadaSiberian Lights Watermelon Seeds

Availability: In stock

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