Perennial Wild Arugula Seeds, Sylvetta


Deeply lobed leaves have slightly stronger, more complex flavour and is slower growing than other arugula. Its peppery flavour adds a zing to salads and is delicious on pizza or in pesto. Harvest as baby greens or grow out to full size. Can be grown in a container. More compact than Bellezia. Great variety for culinary uses! Edible Flowers have a nutty flavour and are used to brighten up salads. Perennial to zone 5. Cold tolerant and heat resistant. 20 dtm for baby greens. 50 dtm. 200 seeds per package

Availability: In stock

Keep trimming and watering consistently for optimal flavour and to prevent bolting. With its deep roots, plant it in a permanent bed and harvest frequently for salads or lightly cook. Allow a few plants to flower for pollinators. Flowers are edible and great is salads or as a garnish.

These seeds are available directly from Garden Faerie Botanicals in the heart of British Columbia, Canada. The collection features heirloom and heritage seeds that are personally cultivated organically without the use of any chemicals. Emphasizing historical, rare, non-GMO seeds, this selection preserves biodiversity through open-pollination.


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Perennial Wild Arugula Seeds, Sylvetta. Organically grown by garden faerie botanicals. Perennial seeds. CanadaPerennial Wild Arugula Seeds, Sylvetta

Availability: In stock

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