Strawflower, Silvery Rose


Double-flowered with soft blush-pink blooms that have a delicate silvery cast on long, strong stems. A unique, romantic addition to bouquets, these flowers are perfect for braiding into garlic or wedding work. Known as everlasting flowers, the colours and shape of these papery blooms will last indefinitely when dried. Can be used fresh and also dried for use in fall bouquets and wreaths. Pollinators love them. 50 seeds per package

Availability: In stock

Helichrysum bracteatum

To grow strawflowers, select a sunny location with well-drained soil. Start seeds indoors 6–8 weeks before the last frost or sow them directly outdoors after the frost has passed. Once seedlings are ready, transplant them about 12 inches apart to provide enough space for growth. Water moderately, ensuring the soil doesn’t become waterlogged. Deadhead spent blooms regularly to encourage continuous flowering. If you plan to dry them, harvest the flowers when they are half-open for the best results.

These strawflower seeds are available directly from Garden Faerie Botanicals in the heart of British Columbia, Canada. The collection features heirloom and heritage seeds that are personally cultivated organically without the use of any chemicals. Emphasizing historical, rare, non-GMO seeds, this selection preserves biodiversity through open-pollination.


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Many Slivery Rose Strawflowers grow in a bunch. Organically grown by Garden Faerie Botanicals. CanadaStrawflower, Silvery Rose

Availability: In stock

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