Purple Tomatillo Seeds


These seeds came from my last seed company and were saved in 2011! How they survived, I do not know. A beautiful purple fruit that can get large under the right growing conditions. Sweet, fruit flavour that is delicious when raw. Grow more than 1 plant for pollination. Very prolific and needs some room to grow. 70 dtm. 25 seeds.

Availability: In stock

Physalis ixocarpa. Not only delicious but attractive, too. The purple fruits are much sweeter than some of the green types and rich in beneficial antioxidants. Wait one week after fruit drops off the plant for sweetest taste and deepest purple colour. However, they are still tasty right off the plant!

Tomatillos grow best in conditions similar to tomatoes but will handle a lot more heat. Grow two or more plants to ensure good pollination.

If you are overloaded with tomatillos you can remove the husks and place in zippered plastic bags. Stored in the fridge, they will last several weeks. Great for salsas.

These seeds are available directly from Garden Faerie Botanicals in the heart of British Columbia, Canada. The collection features heirloom and heritage seeds that are personally cultivated organically without the use of any chemicals. Emphasizing historical, rare, non-GMO seeds, this selection preserves biodiversity through open-pollination.


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A pile of Purple Tomatillos are shown with a quarter. They can grow quite large. Organically grown by Garden Faerie Botanicals. CanadaPurple Tomatillo Seeds

Availability: In stock

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