Oregano Seeds


Oregano is a perennial herb known for its aromatic leaves and is used both fresh and dried. Native to the Mediterranean, it thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. Oregano is essential in Italian and Greek cuisines as it offers a warm, slightly bitter flavour. A powerful medicinal herb that is a must have herb in every garden! 50 seeds

Availability: In stock

These seeds were gifted to me by some people I visited on their organic farm. On the drive home the jeep smelled so amazing! This is a very aromatic variety!

I have written a blog post that contains some amazing recipes that use oregano in a medicinal way. It is called Oregano: Beyond The Spice Rack.


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Oregano is going to seed. Purple flowers are growing. Garden Faerie Botanicals. Heirloom Seeds, canadaOregano Seeds

Availability: In stock

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