I just wanted to give a little update regarding my Podcast that has just been released today. It will be a weekly discussion about how to save heirlooms seeds, with tips and techniques as well. I will also talk about gardening and food preservation.
Please subscribe so that you do not miss an episode. I welcome feedback and suggestions. If there is something you would like to have me talk about, just let me know. Perhaps you would like to join an episode and talk about garden related topics or about food preservation, please reach out! I would love to have a chat and bring awareness to everyone!
The garden season is just around the corner and soon it will be time to dream about what seeds to plant and spend a long time looking at seed catalogues and planning! I have noticed that over the last few years, heirloom seeds are selling out fast as many people are learning the importance of saving seeds. It is the way to go and is always nice to have a few years of seeds stored away. We never know what could happen if everyone decides that grocery bills are so high that it is time to grow food. Then, where will all those seeds come from? The more seeds we have in our communities, the better off we will all be.
Open-pollinated seeds are the only varieties that can be saved and will grow true to type. I trust that my podcast will assist many in the knowledge that it is quiet easy to save seeds and it is time to begin!
I look forward to hearing from you and your suggestions for episodes. See you in the garden!