Korean Mountain Garlic, despite its name, has its origins in the Republic of Georgia, located in the Caucasus region. It is part of the broader Asiatic garlic family, which is known for its hardiness and distinctive flavour profile. The garlic likely spread to Korea through historical trade routes, becoming integrated into the local cuisine and agricultural practices.
In Korea, this garlic is cherished for its robust flavour and health benefits. It has been used for centuries in traditional Korean dishes and herbal medicine, reflecting the cultural exchange between regions.
It is an Asiatic garlic, specifically a hardneck Artichoke variety. Small to medium-sized bulbs with tight, smooth skins. The cloves are easy to peel and are arranged in a circular pattern.
Korean Mountain Garlic is known for its strong, pungent flavour when raw, which mellows into a deep, rich taste when cooked. This makes it versatile in both raw and cooked dishes.
The intense flavour of Korean Mountain Garlic makes it ideal for a variety of culinary applications. It is particularly well-suited for dishes that require a bold garlic presence. It can be used raw in salads, dressings, and salsas, or cooked in soups, stews, and roasts to add depth and richness.
When cooked, the garlic’s strong flavour mellows, retaining a rich garlic taste that enhances any dish. It’s a popular ingredient in traditional Korean dishes.
Korean Mountain Garlic is well-suited to harsh climates and can thrive in challenging conditions. It prefers well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter and can be cultivated in regions with cold winters and hot summers.
This garlic variety is typically planted in the fall, allowing the cloves to establish roots before winter. It grows vigorously in the spring and is ready for harvest in mid to late summer.
These bulbs are sourced directly from Garden Faerie Botanicals, located in the heart of British Columbia, Canada. The collection includes heirloom and heritage varieties, all organically grown without chemicals.
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